I like to just write the method and let you deduce what you need. its a NEW idea!!
PLACE one female pork belly in an oven tray and fill with water to its skin. add half onion skin on, carrots, any fresh herbs you want, and place in the oven on 180 degrees for 15 minutes. no need to pre heat.
After this time pour a bottle of CAMP maple syrup over the skin and season with sea salt, drop the oven to 150 for five hours. top the water up intermittently. Crazy yeah?
when cooled, incise the skin off with a sharp serrated pairing knife and tongs. It will mostly lift off, but you may need to kiss it a little with the knife.
keep the liquid and strain it into a pot, high heat and reduce by 2/3rds. add an egg white to clarify all things and do skim a little. (strain the egg white obviously) WE will come back to this when we plate up.
heat an inch of vegetable oil in a heavy based pot, and fry the skin (cut it into strips) until popcorn texture.
For the salad combine brunoise carrot, a whole bunch of chopped coriander (including finely sliced well washed stem), finely diced lemongrass, sliced spring onion and crushed cashew.
95% brunoise is fine, we are at home, and we are housewives, not on internship at Noma
combine with room temp pork skin. use scissors to chop the crunchy pork skin into the salad. to form a salad.
use a chilli style dressing of any kind. make this up yourself as everyone is different with heat.
dice the meat into large cubes
then get yourself together. THIS is the bit where you clean down, cover everything at room temp while you welcome your guests and pour a yeasty 1979 Veuve (which actually had some good balance and magnificent nutty notes)
pile on the salad and pour over your chilli dressing (keep a good level of acid as the sauce is sweet and needs it) the salt component is the skin, so don't over season with salt, but do add pepper.
Its really good. The textures and balance are kick ass.